Friday, February 24, 2012

The Beginning

In the last six months or so I have been meeting new people and learning from them. Once I heard what they had to say, I could not stop thinking. I couldn't get these 'things' out of my mind. So I started researching, buying books, asking questions, finding answers, and sharing it with anyone and everyone who would listen. Unfortunately these 'things' I am learning about are out of the 'norm' and most people don't care to listen. Their minds are made up, and I am not going to change them. I've come to the conclusion, that is fine.

But if this blog can change one person into doing the research that I have done, or more. It is worth my time. It is worth people telling me I am wrong on a daily basis when deep down in my heart, I know I am on the right track.

The story behind my blog's name:
I started with the thesaurus to help find the perfect description of my blog. I knew what I had to say was IMPORTANT and that most people, if they took a moment to do research they would be SHOCKED, in HORROR, or in TERROR.  Looking up important in the thesaurus gave me considerable, exceptional, necessary, and moment of. Looking up shocked, horror, and terror gave me confusion, eye opener, alarm, dread, shock, but all three gave me awe... so the Moment of Awe was created.

I wanted to introduce myself and my blog before I really start blogging my thoughts, opinion, and research. I hope anyone who comes to my page has an open mind and learns something new. That something new can spark a fire in you. That fire will take you to great places. Happy reading! :)

My blogs that I post will be things in my opinion that I have done research on. If you do not agree/like what I have to say, please do not read my blog. Do not try to tell me I am wrong or try to prove me wrong. If you have questions, I am happy to answer them to the best of my ability.