Thursday, March 22, 2012

Meeting an Angel

It was a warm fall day when Joani walked into my office for a massage. To be honest, I wasn’t so thrilled. It was a Friday and I was ready to go home. She said at the beginning of the massage she had a rough day and she didn’t want to talk, which is normal in my line of work. The first few minutes I was silent. Then she spoke up, she wanted to know a little about me. I was confused, but I answered her questions  about where I went to school and things of that nature. She then told me about herself, talking about how she use to be a teacher, how she was married, and had kids and grandchildren. After a while the room fell quite again, I massaged silently.

Joani soon started talking again. Although I cannot remember what brought the topic up, she confessed she was a psychic.  This was something that did not shock me, I’ve always believed in psychics and mediums. Ever since I was young, I would get a feeling and knew something was going to happen. I always figured if I could sense things that were going to happen, other people could to and possible more. I never knew how this feeling happened, but the how was never important to me.

I no longer wished for my early Friday evening out, I was amazed I ran into such a wonderful person. Before Joani left the office, I asked her if I could take her number and use it to set up a reading. She said of course.
I got into my car and called half a dozen people. I told them I had met a psychic and I couldn’t wait to get a reading done. I told them they had to get a reading done too. Monday morning at our weekly staff meeting I told all the girls about Joani too. Before I knew it, we arranged a work party and Joani came to the office and gave all of us mini readings. The mini readings were awesome. We each drew numbers and got our reading one by one. The moment one of the girls walked out of the session with Joani, we hounded to hear what was said.

Although my mini session was wonderful and I could not of asked for more. As a human, I wanted more. I kept saying “oh, after the holidays” or “I need to email Joani” but I never did. Last week I was faced with a tough choice. My heart and head was not agreeing and I didn’t know what to do. I emailed Joani and asked if she could fit me in for a reading. I got in right away.

Joani’s Procedure:
Joani sends out an information sheet before every reading, even if you have already had a reading before. It gives you the 411 on everything you need to know. The information states what she can and cannot offer you. She does this because people have assumptions on what psychics and mediums can do, due to the media and hot lines.

When you sit down for a reading, Joani asks you to write your name on a notepad. She then asks you to pick a subject (Past, Present, Future, A loved one who’s passed). Without any conversation, she starts to write under your name. She writes fast and without any interruptions. She is writing down what her spirit guide tells her. Her spirit guide, some like to call him an angel, is a voice that whispers to her. He tells her everything the person who is getting the reading done needs to know. Once her spirit guide is done talking, Joani helps you ‘map’ out what the spirit guide has said. At the end of the reading you get to take your map and the notes from the spirit guide home.

From the very get go, I had lots of questions about Joani and her gift. Her path started when she wasn’t finding what she needed from churches throughout her life, so began reading passionately about parapsychology. When she stop spending three hours a day commuting back and forth between work and making every thought about teaching, she had time for herself. She began experimenting and started to see her gift grow. She believes her spirit guide has always been with her. Although, Joani is an amazing woman, her past has not always been wonderful. Just like anyone else, she has had struggles of her own. Now looking back, she believes her spirit guide was always looking out for her, whispering encouragement in those times of need.

With friends and family, Joani experimented with her gift. Once she felt ready, she called a women’s retreat and asked if she could volunteer and do readings. Her first cold reading (Someone she does not know) aligned with perfectly. Joani was shocked. Within thirty minutes the word got around, a lined formed of women that couldn’t wait to hear what Joani and her spirit guide had to say.

Joani enjoys doing reading because she loves witnessing the joy that people get from contacting a passed loved one. She is kind and compassionate person who is always practicing the Golden Rule. Some believe what Joani does is the devil’s work, she whole heartily disagrees. With positive energy, part of the money Joani makes from the readings, goes to cancer research, benefits, or fundraisers. Although she is unsure why she was chosen to be the voice for the spirit guide she believes that God has sent her this messenger as a gift. She was raised Catholic and would ask for forgiveness if there was any negative energy. Instead she believes she is helping mankind one person at a time by giving them comfort and helping them better define their life paths through spiritual awareness. She wants people gain a renewed sense of their blessing by readings. Joani counts her blessings every day.

My last reading was even better than the first. I believe each reading is brand new adventure. This most recent reading helped me with my choice and instead of a cloud of anxiety, Joani gave me hope. I know Joani walked into my life that fall day for a reason, and because of her I am truly changed for the better.

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