Sunday, May 20, 2012

Smallpox Vaccine: The vaccine that started it all

Smallpox is a disease that is contagious and sometimes deadly. The last known human case was in 1977. There are two types forms of smallpox: Variola Major and Variola Minor according to the CDC. The first 48 hours of symptoms include fever, headache, nausea, and more. Then a rash begins to form in the mouth, throat, and face only to spreads to the rest of the body. After a week  or so the pussed filled lesions start to grow a crust then scabbing over to fall off 3-4 weeks later.

Edward Jenner is the creator of the first vaccine and he created the smallpox vaccine in 1796. He was known as an English physician and scientist and he believed that if you give a person cowpox which was thought to be the smallpox of cows, it would give immunity to the human race and stop the spread of smallpox.

According to writer Tim O’Shea, Jenner started to make his vaccine by taking a calf and tying it down on it’s side. He then made roughly 40 one inch incisions in the cafe’s stomach and rubbed smallpox pus into the incisions. One week later, once the lesions formed the cafe was tied town again the crested lesions were scraped off. The remaining blood, lymph and pus was drained out and heated adding glycerine as a binder. Mixed and strained to remove unwanted items like hair and flesh, the smallpox vaccine was then put it tubes and became a sensation.

Jenner then injected his first patient, an eight year old, he then sold himself to the people has being guaranteeing lifetime immunity to smallpox. The vaccine was a rave and the British Parliament gave Jenners 30,000 pounds.

With being born after the vaccine was stopped, the first time I heard of the smallpox vaccine was when I was at a lake with my parents, I noticed a scar my dad’s arm. I asked him what happen he told me “Your mom shot me.” I believed him but eventually he told me that it was from something called the smallpox vaccine. I never thought more about it, but for some reason this memory has stayed with me. This process left a scar on the left arm from a doctor using a knife and scraping the skin and rubbing the vaccine into the skin.

All of us have heard out this vaccine has saved thousands of lives and even wiped out smallpox, as of 1972 the CDC stopped the vaccine due to believing they had the disease under control. Now keep in mind, the last known case was in 1977. So magically they just trusted the vaccine had done its job enough to finish off the last cases? Actually in 1929 most states stop forcing the smallpox disease. Many states thought to stop the vaccine due to complications.

Let’s talk about more interesting facts... the 8 year old that got the vaccine first and then again 20 more times died at the age of 20. He wasn’t the only case, Jenner’s son died at 21 after being vaccinated over and over again.

Now I am usually looked at by this point that I am the devil. That the smallpox vaccine saved hundreds of lives and without talking about the difference of cowpox and smallpox, I want to talk about the reason why I don’t think vaccines should be mandated. I think it should be a parents right to make the decision for their children and themselves.

My first vaccine book I read was The Sanctity of Human Blood by Tim O’Shea referred in a seminar. I went home and ordered it off Amazon used for $16. It is a really easy read for people who do not have a medical background. It was also very well cited. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in looking into the history of vaccines.

I read it once, and was shocked. The second time I read it I began bookmarking sections.I used a colored yellow tab for good information. I used a colored green tab for money. I used a colored blue tab for government involvement.  I used a colored purple tab for a specific incident in history. I used a colored pink tab for death. This may not mean anything to you, but every time I use a purple tab, it is followed by the pink tab. Let me show you cases in history that ended in death because of the smallpox vaccine that Tim O’Shea shares in his book.

In 1834 Persia passed a law that mandated the smallpox vaccine as infants, and re-vaccinated before starting school, after graduating school, and again entering the army. It is safe to say that 100% of Persians got the smallpox vaccine. 35 years of 100% of Persia being vaccinated they had a smallpox epidemic and which killed almost 125,000 persians.

After WW1, the US had too many smallpox vaccine so they took the extra to the Philippines and mandated the vaccine. In 1917 over 25 million shots were given and the death rate from smallpox quadrupled in the Philippines to roughly 163,000.

During the Boer War in Africa reports of 86,000 men were killed due to the war. Even with 100% of inoculation, an additional 96,000 men died due to smallpox.

Edward Jenner made a promise for life long immunity and he did not live up to his word. Other people are copying him and making the same promises. Are they failing their promises too?

In my next blog, we will start with the very first vaccine given to children, Hepatitis B.

Saving Intuition...
Happy Reading

My blogs that I post will be things in my opinion that I have done research on. If you do not agree/like what I have to say, please do not read my blog. Do not try to tell me I am wrong or try to prove me wrong. Refer to my first blogs, if you are still not ok with my blog. If you have questions, I am happy to answer them to the best of my ability.

Department of Health. “Fact Sheet on Smallpox.” Vermont Department of Health. 2011. Burlington VT. 17 May 2012. <>

Emergency Preparedness and Response. “Smallpox Disease Overview” Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 2007. Atlanta GA 17 May 2012. <>

O’Shea, Tim. The Sanctity of Human Blood. North Woods. San Jose, CA. 2003

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Did You Know about Vaccines?

One night for dinner would you give your child kidney, blood, and brains from animals?

Would you let them wash it down with nail polish remover?

How about letting them playing with aborted fetal tissue?

Would you give them cancer?

I bet your answer was no to all of these questions. As a parent you try to make the best decisions for your child. Until now, you might have never known there was another decision other than vaccinations for your child. You may think vaccines are 100% safe. Starting with this blog and many more, I am going to go over each vaccine and how they may not be as safe as you believe. I am going to go over things like what are in vaccines, how they started, reactions to vaccines, how much money the government makes off of vaccines, and much more. I am doing this not because I don’t want you to vaccinate your child, but because I want you to have knowledge of both perspectives so you can make what every choice you believe is right for you and your family. 

Today we are going to talk about:
Whats in Vaccines
Schedule for Vaccines What Vaccines do and Reactions from Vaccines

Did you know that Mercury is in vaccines. Mercury is one of the worst neurotoxin in the world and although it was supposed to be left of vaccines since 1991, there are still traces in vaccines used every year. A diluted form of mercury is called thimerosal, which is 49.5% of mercury according to the write of The Sanctity of Human Blood, Tim O’shea. The EPA (Enviormental Protection Agency) reported that the safety levels of thimerosal was .1mcg/day. Although the first shot your baby receives has 30% more than the approved EPA safety levels...More on this in later

Aluminum and lead - metals which is absorbed in the fatty tissue of the brain

Phenol- is in vaccines. What is phenol? It is a poison, if you google phenol you can read how phenol was originally extracted from tar and can create burns. Tar? Burns? Do you want to give that to your child?

Formaldehyde - which is embalming fluid that can cause cancer

Acetone - Nail polish remover

Aborted fetal tissue - a baby had to die for this vaccine

Parts of kidney, blood, brains from various animals like dog, monkey, pigs, horse, and rabbits

Fecal matter - number 2, shit, poop, whatever you want to call it

Glycerin - widely known to help preserve things. Can be toxic to the liver and kidney and do damage to lunchs.

DNA & RNA from medically induced retrovirus animals, Antifreeze, sodium chloride

So now that you know what is in a vaccine. Let’s talk about the doses which your child will get, if you follow the recommended schedule that is written by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) which most doctors follow it is a total of 69 doses of 16 vaccines. Below is a chart that list the vaccines from ages 0 to 6.

If you are interested in the vaccine schedule about the age of 6, I recommend the site below because it easy to read and there is no small print. You can find charts and schedules everywhere online.

Many believe that vaccines stop diseases like Polio or smallpox. When I try to have a conversation with people, every single one brings up this point. And I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE. I’ve read many documents that said vaccines did not cure the disease like Polio and Smallpox and others like these. I’ve seen charts and graphs proving that vaccines was not the only reason some if not all disease went down in numbers.

Four of the vaccine creators even said themselves that there are no proof their vaccines cured the diseases their vaccine was made for.

There are three types of reactions that can happen from vaccines:
1) Immediate reactions - anaphylactic shock to a component in the vaccines, much like reaction to peanuts
2)Laten reactions- Also known as delayed which lodges into the brain and causes nerve damage
3) Genome reactions - which alters DNA causing cancer or diseases like alzheimer's

VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Report System) was created in 1992 by Barbara Loe Fisher. The CDC uses to VEARS to report reactions and in the first 5 years there were 33,000 reactions reported. And the CDC who admits only 10% of reactions are reported and there is a problem that needs to be fixed. 

Vaccine's have been associated with:
& More

Now if I make it to this point in a conversation, most people are PISSED at me and they are screaming and yelling (sometimes crying) saying I am 100% wrong. The other percentage of people are amazed and wanting more information because they had no idea.

I was part of that small percentage and I hope you are too. I started pacing in a room because I was overwhelmed with all this information and I can not get it out of my head that is why I have a blog now. The next dozen or so blogs I will be writing will be going over each vaccines, reactions, and charts/graphs. I hope you continue this process with me. I hope you are willing to give me a shot and read what I have to say. My next blog will be on Smallpox, the first vaccine ever made.

Saving Intuition...
Happy Reading!!!

My blogs that I post will be things in my opinion that I have done research on. If you do not agree/like what I have to say, please do not read my blog. Do not try to tell me I am wrong or try to prove me wrong. If you have questions, I am happy to answer them to the best of my ability.