Hepatitis B is the first vaccine you baby gets. It is usually at birth before the doctor hands you new born over to you. If not it is done then it is done before the child is discharged from the hospital. When looking up when your child should get the Hep B vaccine the CDC recommends the 1st dose at birth, the 2nd dose is at 1-2 months, and the 3rd dose 6-18 months.
What is Hepatitis B? Well it is a infection that affects the liver usually with swelling it can be spread by sharing bodily fluids with someone who is infected. Including seman, blood, and other bodily fluid.
Due to the way you get Hepatitis B the vaccine was made for drug users, people with lots of sexual partners, workers in the medical field, and babies whose moms tested positive for the infection. Mary Tocco, a chiropractor’s wife and researcher, states in her Are Vaccines Safe? video that when the Government wasn’t getting the reaction they wanted from the public, they didn’t want to lose out on the money the fronted for the vaccine so they then mandated the vaccine for children in 1991.
So basically when the whores and drug users didn’t run into to the doctors, hospitals and wherever else the vaccine was available, the Government was worried about money so they said “Sure let's give this to our children.”
When contracting hepatitis B symptoms include:
Loss of Appetite
Muscle aches
Nausea and vomiting
With worst case hepatitis B is known to cause liver damage, but even PubMed Health website states that usually hepatitis B cures ITSELF within a few weeks to a few months.
So why do I have a problem giving our children the Hep B vaccine? I have split it up into 4 sections.
1)Let’s be real, in today’s world babies are having babies. Children are doing drugs. So knowing what can and does happen in the US the vaccine that could help your child not contract Hep B is a good idea. But unless your child is going be sexually active before the 10 the vaccine is going to be useless because the vaccine is only good for at best 7 years. So if you give your child their Hep B vaccine at 3, they are only “safe” from hepatitis B until the age of 10.
But if it is good for 7 years, why do we give the vaccine at birth, 1-2 months, and 6-18 months. When looking a vaccine for children between 11-19 they only recommend it for tweens and teens if they haven’t already received their vaccine.
2) Renee Tocco, Doctor and daughter of Mary Tocco, explained at a seminar in 2011 that Hep B is an adult disease, night highly contagious, not considered deadly for most, and is not an epidemic in the US. Also, remember that hepatitis can cure itself in a few months or less.
3) By law the CDC gives doctors handouts who are in return supposed to give these handouts to moms and dads stating why you should give your child the vaccine, reactions, what to do in case there is a reaction, so on and so forth. In the Hep B handout, it states anybody who has an allergy to yeast should not get the vaccine. How do you know if your newborn baby is allergic to yeast? If you do not know do you think you should be injecting a vaccine in to their fragile body?
4) Renee stated that in 1996 there were less than 300 cases of hepatitis b infection for anyone under the age of 14. Yet that same year more than three times that amount of children had an adverse reaction to the Hep B vaccine. Although I would want my child to get a fever, vomit, become jaundice, or one of the symptoms that Hepatitis B can cause I would prefer that before they had an anaphylactic shock, lupus, chronic fatigue, vascular disorders, and more serious consequences compared to an infection that last a few months. Let alone Hep B is linked to Autism and brain development delays.
So lets recap on why I think the Hep B vaccine is not necessary for your child
1) The are given to babies who do not participate in activities that usually gives you Hep B (Drugs and sex) and the because it only last 7 years it only help them in their adult age
2) Hep B is not an epidemic and can cure itself
3) The vaccine is not recommended for anyone who has a yeast allergy, and how would you know if your newborn had this allergy
4) Adverse reactions to the Hep B vaccines happens more than the actual disease
I am not telling you to not vaccinate your child. I am not telling you not not vaccinate your child. I am just sharing what I have found in my research and maybe you can start researching too. Or at least asking questions! I’m asking you to listen to your gut, your instinct, and most of all your intuition.
As an added bonus, I posted a chart below that I have posted in the past. If you look at it, they recommend the Hep B vaccine at 1-2 months and 6-18 months. Yet, they give your newborn it anyways?
Saving Intuition...
Happy Blogging!!!
My blogs that I post will be things in my opinion that I have done research on. If you do not agree/like what I have to say, please do not read my blog. Do not try to tell me I am wrong or try to prove me wrong. Refer to my first blogs, if you are still not ok with my blog. If you have questions, I am happy to answer them to the best of my ability.
Work Cited
Immunization for Coalition. “Talking with Parent about Vaccines” Immunization for Coalition. St. Paul Minnesota. 2012 .
National Center for Biotechnology Information. “Hepatitis B” PubMed Health. Bethesda MD. 2012.
O’Shea, Tim. The Sanctity of Human Blood. North Woods. San Jose, CA. 2003
Tocco, Renee. (2011) ‘The Explosion of Childhood Illness’ TNR. 08/2011.
Handouts on Vaccine from CDC:
This blog is about everyday life that most people miss. I will talk about massage therapy, chiropractic care, vaccines, psychics, and whatever life throws at me.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Smallpox Vaccine: The vaccine that started it all
Smallpox is a disease that is contagious and sometimes deadly. The last known human case was in 1977. There are two types forms of smallpox: Variola Major and Variola Minor according to the CDC. The first 48 hours of symptoms include fever, headache, nausea, and more. Then a rash begins to form in the mouth, throat, and face only to spreads to the rest of the body. After a week or so the pussed filled lesions start to grow a crust then scabbing over to fall off 3-4 weeks later.
Edward Jenner is the creator of the first vaccine and he created the smallpox vaccine in 1796. He was known as an English physician and scientist and he believed that if you give a person cowpox which was thought to be the smallpox of cows, it would give immunity to the human race and stop the spread of smallpox.
According to writer Tim O’Shea, Jenner started to make his vaccine by taking a calf and tying it down on it’s side. He then made roughly 40 one inch incisions in the cafe’s stomach and rubbed smallpox pus into the incisions. One week later, once the lesions formed the cafe was tied town again the crested lesions were scraped off. The remaining blood, lymph and pus was drained out and heated adding glycerine as a binder. Mixed and strained to remove unwanted items like hair and flesh, the smallpox vaccine was then put it tubes and became a sensation.
Jenner then injected his first patient, an eight year old, he then sold himself to the people has being guaranteeing lifetime immunity to smallpox. The vaccine was a rave and the British Parliament gave Jenners 30,000 pounds.
With being born after the vaccine was stopped, the first time I heard of the smallpox vaccine was when I was at a lake with my parents, I noticed a scar my dad’s arm. I asked him what happen he told me “Your mom shot me.” I believed him but eventually he told me that it was from something called the smallpox vaccine. I never thought more about it, but for some reason this memory has stayed with me. This process left a scar on the left arm from a doctor using a knife and scraping the skin and rubbing the vaccine into the skin.
All of us have heard out this vaccine has saved thousands of lives and even wiped out smallpox, as of 1972 the CDC stopped the vaccine due to believing they had the disease under control. Now keep in mind, the last known case was in 1977. So magically they just trusted the vaccine had done its job enough to finish off the last cases? Actually in 1929 most states stop forcing the smallpox disease. Many states thought to stop the vaccine due to complications.
Let’s talk about more interesting facts... the 8 year old that got the vaccine first and then again 20 more times died at the age of 20. He wasn’t the only case, Jenner’s son died at 21 after being vaccinated over and over again.
Now I am usually looked at by this point that I am the devil. That the smallpox vaccine saved hundreds of lives and without talking about the difference of cowpox and smallpox, I want to talk about the reason why I don’t think vaccines should be mandated. I think it should be a parents right to make the decision for their children and themselves.
My first vaccine book I read was The Sanctity of Human Blood by Tim O’Shea referred in a seminar. I went home and ordered it off Amazon used for $16. It is a really easy read for people who do not have a medical background. It was also very well cited. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in looking into the history of vaccines.
I read it once, and was shocked. The second time I read it I began bookmarking sections.I used a colored yellow tab for good information. I used a colored green tab for money. I used a colored blue tab for government involvement. I used a colored purple tab for a specific incident in history. I used a colored pink tab for death. This may not mean anything to you, but every time I use a purple tab, it is followed by the pink tab. Let me show you cases in history that ended in death because of the smallpox vaccine that Tim O’Shea shares in his book.
In 1834 Persia passed a law that mandated the smallpox vaccine as infants, and re-vaccinated before starting school, after graduating school, and again entering the army. It is safe to say that 100% of Persians got the smallpox vaccine. 35 years of 100% of Persia being vaccinated they had a smallpox epidemic and which killed almost 125,000 persians.
After WW1, the US had too many smallpox vaccine so they took the extra to the Philippines and mandated the vaccine. In 1917 over 25 million shots were given and the death rate from smallpox quadrupled in the Philippines to roughly 163,000.
During the Boer War in Africa reports of 86,000 men were killed due to the war. Even with 100% of inoculation, an additional 96,000 men died due to smallpox.
Edward Jenner made a promise for life long immunity and he did not live up to his word. Other people are copying him and making the same promises. Are they failing their promises too?
In my next blog, we will start with the very first vaccine given to children, Hepatitis B.
Saving Intuition...
Happy Reading
My blogs that I post will be things in my opinion that I have done research on. If you do not agree/like what I have to say, please do not read my blog. Do not try to tell me I am wrong or try to prove me wrong. Refer to my first blogs, if you are still not ok with my blog. If you have questions, I am happy to answer them to the best of my ability.
Department of Health. “Fact Sheet on Smallpox.” Vermont Department of Health. 2011. Burlington VT. 17 May 2012. <http://healthvermont.gov/emerg/smallpox/smallpox_fact.aspx>
Emergency Preparedness and Response. “Smallpox Disease Overview” Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 2007. Atlanta GA 17 May 2012. <http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/smallpox/overview/disease-facts.asp>
O’Shea, Tim. The Sanctity of Human Blood. North Woods. San Jose, CA. 2003
Edward Jenner is the creator of the first vaccine and he created the smallpox vaccine in 1796. He was known as an English physician and scientist and he believed that if you give a person cowpox which was thought to be the smallpox of cows, it would give immunity to the human race and stop the spread of smallpox.
According to writer Tim O’Shea, Jenner started to make his vaccine by taking a calf and tying it down on it’s side. He then made roughly 40 one inch incisions in the cafe’s stomach and rubbed smallpox pus into the incisions. One week later, once the lesions formed the cafe was tied town again the crested lesions were scraped off. The remaining blood, lymph and pus was drained out and heated adding glycerine as a binder. Mixed and strained to remove unwanted items like hair and flesh, the smallpox vaccine was then put it tubes and became a sensation.
Jenner then injected his first patient, an eight year old, he then sold himself to the people has being guaranteeing lifetime immunity to smallpox. The vaccine was a rave and the British Parliament gave Jenners 30,000 pounds.
With being born after the vaccine was stopped, the first time I heard of the smallpox vaccine was when I was at a lake with my parents, I noticed a scar my dad’s arm. I asked him what happen he told me “Your mom shot me.” I believed him but eventually he told me that it was from something called the smallpox vaccine. I never thought more about it, but for some reason this memory has stayed with me. This process left a scar on the left arm from a doctor using a knife and scraping the skin and rubbing the vaccine into the skin.
All of us have heard out this vaccine has saved thousands of lives and even wiped out smallpox, as of 1972 the CDC stopped the vaccine due to believing they had the disease under control. Now keep in mind, the last known case was in 1977. So magically they just trusted the vaccine had done its job enough to finish off the last cases? Actually in 1929 most states stop forcing the smallpox disease. Many states thought to stop the vaccine due to complications.
Let’s talk about more interesting facts... the 8 year old that got the vaccine first and then again 20 more times died at the age of 20. He wasn’t the only case, Jenner’s son died at 21 after being vaccinated over and over again.
Now I am usually looked at by this point that I am the devil. That the smallpox vaccine saved hundreds of lives and without talking about the difference of cowpox and smallpox, I want to talk about the reason why I don’t think vaccines should be mandated. I think it should be a parents right to make the decision for their children and themselves.
My first vaccine book I read was The Sanctity of Human Blood by Tim O’Shea referred in a seminar. I went home and ordered it off Amazon used for $16. It is a really easy read for people who do not have a medical background. It was also very well cited. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in looking into the history of vaccines.
I read it once, and was shocked. The second time I read it I began bookmarking sections.I used a colored yellow tab for good information. I used a colored green tab for money. I used a colored blue tab for government involvement. I used a colored purple tab for a specific incident in history. I used a colored pink tab for death. This may not mean anything to you, but every time I use a purple tab, it is followed by the pink tab. Let me show you cases in history that ended in death because of the smallpox vaccine that Tim O’Shea shares in his book.
In 1834 Persia passed a law that mandated the smallpox vaccine as infants, and re-vaccinated before starting school, after graduating school, and again entering the army. It is safe to say that 100% of Persians got the smallpox vaccine. 35 years of 100% of Persia being vaccinated they had a smallpox epidemic and which killed almost 125,000 persians.
After WW1, the US had too many smallpox vaccine so they took the extra to the Philippines and mandated the vaccine. In 1917 over 25 million shots were given and the death rate from smallpox quadrupled in the Philippines to roughly 163,000.
During the Boer War in Africa reports of 86,000 men were killed due to the war. Even with 100% of inoculation, an additional 96,000 men died due to smallpox.
Edward Jenner made a promise for life long immunity and he did not live up to his word. Other people are copying him and making the same promises. Are they failing their promises too?
In my next blog, we will start with the very first vaccine given to children, Hepatitis B.
Saving Intuition...
Happy Reading
My blogs that I post will be things in my opinion that I have done research on. If you do not agree/like what I have to say, please do not read my blog. Do not try to tell me I am wrong or try to prove me wrong. Refer to my first blogs, if you are still not ok with my blog. If you have questions, I am happy to answer them to the best of my ability.
Department of Health. “Fact Sheet on Smallpox.” Vermont Department of Health. 2011. Burlington VT. 17 May 2012. <http://healthvermont.gov/emerg/smallpox/smallpox_fact.aspx>
Emergency Preparedness and Response. “Smallpox Disease Overview” Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 2007. Atlanta GA 17 May 2012. <http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/smallpox/overview/disease-facts.asp>
O’Shea, Tim. The Sanctity of Human Blood. North Woods. San Jose, CA. 2003
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Did You Know about Vaccines?
One night for dinner would you give your child kidney, blood, and brains from animals?
Would you let them wash it down with nail polish remover?
How about letting them playing with aborted fetal tissue?
Would you give them cancer?
I bet your answer was no to all of these questions. As a parent you try to make the best decisions for your child. Until now, you might have never known there was another decision other than vaccinations for your child. You may think vaccines are 100% safe. Starting with this blog and many more, I am going to go over each vaccine and how they may not be as safe as you believe. I am going to go over things like what are in vaccines, how they started, reactions to vaccines, how much money the government makes off of vaccines, and much more. I am doing this not because I don’t want you to vaccinate your child, but because I want you to have knowledge of both perspectives so you can make what every choice you believe is right for you and your family.
Today we are going to talk about:
Whats in Vaccines
Schedule for Vaccines What Vaccines do and Reactions from Vaccines
Did you know that Mercury is in vaccines. Mercury is one of the worst neurotoxin in the world and although it was supposed to be left of vaccines since 1991, there are still traces in vaccines used every year. A diluted form of mercury is called thimerosal, which is 49.5% of mercury according to the write of The Sanctity of Human Blood, Tim O’shea. The EPA (Enviormental Protection Agency) reported that the safety levels of thimerosal was .1mcg/day. Although the first shot your baby receives has 30% more than the approved EPA safety levels...More on this in later
Aluminum and lead - metals which is absorbed in the fatty tissue of the brain
Phenol- is in vaccines. What is phenol? It is a poison, if you google phenol you can read how phenol was originally extracted from tar and can create burns. Tar? Burns? Do you want to give that to your child?
Formaldehyde - which is embalming fluid that can cause cancer
Acetone - Nail polish remover
Aborted fetal tissue - a baby had to die for this vaccine
Parts of kidney, blood, brains from various animals like dog, monkey, pigs, horse, and rabbits
Fecal matter - number 2, shit, poop, whatever you want to call it
Glycerin - widely known to help preserve things. Can be toxic to the liver and kidney and do damage to lunchs.
DNA & RNA from medically induced retrovirus animals, Antifreeze, sodium chloride
So now that you know what is in a vaccine. Let’s talk about the doses which your child will get, if you follow the recommended schedule that is written by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) which most doctors follow it is a total of 69 doses of 16 vaccines. Below is a chart that list the vaccines from ages 0 to 6.
If you are interested in the vaccine schedule about the age of 6, I recommend the site below because it easy to read and there is no small print. You can find charts and schedules everywhere online. http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/medical/immunization_chart.html
Many believe that vaccines stop diseases like Polio or smallpox. When I try to have a conversation with people, every single one brings up this point. And I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE. I’ve read many documents that said vaccines did not cure the disease like Polio and Smallpox and others like these. I’ve seen charts and graphs proving that vaccines was not the only reason some if not all disease went down in numbers.
Four of the vaccine creators even said themselves that there are no proof their vaccines cured the diseases their vaccine was made for.
There are three types of reactions that can happen from vaccines:
1) Immediate reactions - anaphylactic shock to a component in the vaccines, much like reaction to peanuts
2)Laten reactions- Also known as delayed which lodges into the brain and causes nerve damage
3) Genome reactions - which alters DNA causing cancer or diseases like alzheimer's
VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Report System) was created in 1992 by Barbara Loe Fisher. The CDC uses to VEARS to report reactions and in the first 5 years there were 33,000 reactions reported. And the CDC who admits only 10% of reactions are reported and there is a problem that needs to be fixed.
Vaccine's have been associated with:
& More
Now if I make it to this point in a conversation, most people are PISSED at me and they are screaming and yelling (sometimes crying) saying I am 100% wrong. The other percentage of people are amazed and wanting more information because they had no idea.
I was part of that small percentage and I hope you are too. I started pacing in a room because I was overwhelmed with all this information and I can not get it out of my head that is why I have a blog now. The next dozen or so blogs I will be writing will be going over each vaccines, reactions, and charts/graphs. I hope you continue this process with me. I hope you are willing to give me a shot and read what I have to say. My next blog will be on Smallpox, the first vaccine ever made.
Saving Intuition...
Happy Reading!!!
My blogs that I post will be things in my opinion that I have done research on. If you do not agree/like what I have to say, please do not read my blog. Do not try to tell me I am wrong or try to prove me wrong. If you have questions, I am happy to answer them to the best of my ability.
Would you let them wash it down with nail polish remover?
How about letting them playing with aborted fetal tissue?
Would you give them cancer?
I bet your answer was no to all of these questions. As a parent you try to make the best decisions for your child. Until now, you might have never known there was another decision other than vaccinations for your child. You may think vaccines are 100% safe. Starting with this blog and many more, I am going to go over each vaccine and how they may not be as safe as you believe. I am going to go over things like what are in vaccines, how they started, reactions to vaccines, how much money the government makes off of vaccines, and much more. I am doing this not because I don’t want you to vaccinate your child, but because I want you to have knowledge of both perspectives so you can make what every choice you believe is right for you and your family.
Today we are going to talk about:
Whats in Vaccines
Schedule for Vaccines What Vaccines do and Reactions from Vaccines
Did you know that Mercury is in vaccines. Mercury is one of the worst neurotoxin in the world and although it was supposed to be left of vaccines since 1991, there are still traces in vaccines used every year. A diluted form of mercury is called thimerosal, which is 49.5% of mercury according to the write of The Sanctity of Human Blood, Tim O’shea. The EPA (Enviormental Protection Agency) reported that the safety levels of thimerosal was .1mcg/day. Although the first shot your baby receives has 30% more than the approved EPA safety levels...More on this in later
Aluminum and lead - metals which is absorbed in the fatty tissue of the brain
Phenol- is in vaccines. What is phenol? It is a poison, if you google phenol you can read how phenol was originally extracted from tar and can create burns. Tar? Burns? Do you want to give that to your child?
Formaldehyde - which is embalming fluid that can cause cancer
Acetone - Nail polish remover
Aborted fetal tissue - a baby had to die for this vaccine
Parts of kidney, blood, brains from various animals like dog, monkey, pigs, horse, and rabbits
Fecal matter - number 2, shit, poop, whatever you want to call it
Glycerin - widely known to help preserve things. Can be toxic to the liver and kidney and do damage to lunchs.
DNA & RNA from medically induced retrovirus animals, Antifreeze, sodium chloride
So now that you know what is in a vaccine. Let’s talk about the doses which your child will get, if you follow the recommended schedule that is written by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) which most doctors follow it is a total of 69 doses of 16 vaccines. Below is a chart that list the vaccines from ages 0 to 6.
If you are interested in the vaccine schedule about the age of 6, I recommend the site below because it easy to read and there is no small print. You can find charts and schedules everywhere online. http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/medical/immunization_chart.html
Many believe that vaccines stop diseases like Polio or smallpox. When I try to have a conversation with people, every single one brings up this point. And I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE. I’ve read many documents that said vaccines did not cure the disease like Polio and Smallpox and others like these. I’ve seen charts and graphs proving that vaccines was not the only reason some if not all disease went down in numbers.
Four of the vaccine creators even said themselves that there are no proof their vaccines cured the diseases their vaccine was made for.
There are three types of reactions that can happen from vaccines:
1) Immediate reactions - anaphylactic shock to a component in the vaccines, much like reaction to peanuts
2)Laten reactions- Also known as delayed which lodges into the brain and causes nerve damage
3) Genome reactions - which alters DNA causing cancer or diseases like alzheimer's
VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Report System) was created in 1992 by Barbara Loe Fisher. The CDC uses to VEARS to report reactions and in the first 5 years there were 33,000 reactions reported. And the CDC who admits only 10% of reactions are reported and there is a problem that needs to be fixed.
Vaccine's have been associated with:
& More
Now if I make it to this point in a conversation, most people are PISSED at me and they are screaming and yelling (sometimes crying) saying I am 100% wrong. The other percentage of people are amazed and wanting more information because they had no idea.
I was part of that small percentage and I hope you are too. I started pacing in a room because I was overwhelmed with all this information and I can not get it out of my head that is why I have a blog now. The next dozen or so blogs I will be writing will be going over each vaccines, reactions, and charts/graphs. I hope you continue this process with me. I hope you are willing to give me a shot and read what I have to say. My next blog will be on Smallpox, the first vaccine ever made.
Saving Intuition...
Happy Reading!!!
My blogs that I post will be things in my opinion that I have done research on. If you do not agree/like what I have to say, please do not read my blog. Do not try to tell me I am wrong or try to prove me wrong. If you have questions, I am happy to answer them to the best of my ability.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Chirpractic Care! Everyone needs it!
In the perfect world, everyone would concentrate on living
and being the best that they can be. Instead of waiting to get sick, they would
strive to stay healthy. In America unfortunately we live in a world that has
negative thoughts all around us. I say this because we only do things if we
have to. Most people wait to do something good for themselves. Instead we wait
until something bad has happened to react. Americans don’t watch what they are
eating until they are overweight. They don’t take vitamins to prevent getting
sick, they wait until they get sick to take antibiotics. They don’t stop
drinking until they have gotten in trouble with the law.
The top reasons why American’s go to the doctor is to have checkups,
when they hurt, or are sick. At the check ups doctor’s are making sure we
didn’t get a disease, we are growing properly, and we don’t have cancer. If we
are hurt or sick we go because we feel horrible, can’t move, can’t breathe, and
want something to be fixed.
The top reason American’s go to the chiropractor is because
of low back pain. American’s go when they can’t move or endure anymore pain. Most
people don’t know that chiropractors do more than fix back pain. They make
adjustments you to make sure the bones are in the proper place because when
they are not it is called subluxation. Being subluxation free makes you function at 100% and they
can start this process right after birth. You can go on a regular basis to stay
healthy, function properly, and feel great. If you are asking yourself how or
why, keep reading!
There are three parts of the brain: Cerebellum, Cerebrum,
and Medulla. The Cerebellum controls balance and fine movements. Cerebrum is
split in two hemispheres and controls memory, intelligence, senses, and more.
The medulla is the brain stem and controls signals between the brain and spinal
cord. If you get into an accident and damage the cerebellum or cerebrum you can
live. You may not recover to 100%, but you will be alive. If you damage the
medulla (brain stem) you cannot survive and will die.
The brain stem is the most important part of your brain and
it is the only part of you that is fully developed at birth. Now knowing what I
told you, I am sure you can understand the importance of keeping the brain stem
healthy and functioning at all times.
The brainstem continues down connecting to the spinal cord. The
brain and spinal cord together makes up the Central Nervous System (CNS). The
spinal cord is the pathway for communication with the brain.
Scenario 1 Imagine you are trying to get from point A to point B in
your car. The best and fastest way to do this is to get on the express way and
do 70 mph. Now, imagine your spinal cord is the express way and you are hungry
so your stomach (point A) is going to send a message to your brain (point B) saying
you are hungry. This message is traveling at 70 mph to your brain and in a millisecond
your brain knows you are hungry. As you can see in the picture on the right,
the path is easy and there are no problems and you are functioning at 100%
Scenario 2 Once again
imagine you are trying to get from point A to point B in your car. So you hop
on to the first exit and start doing 70 mph until you run into construction so
it takes you longer and road rage begins. This is what happens in your body if
you vertebrae are out of place. Imagine you are hungry and your stomach is
sending your brain a message but it is not getting there fast enough. In the
picture on the right, you can see the path is serving and it is more difficult
for the message to be sent to the brain.
This is why chiropractic care is so important! These
messages are being sent all day, every day. The CNS is a very important part of
body. Sometimes the message is your stomach is hungry, sometimes it is to move
a body part, and sometimes it is your body telling you there is something
wrong. If someone is throwing a base ball at your face, you want your CNS to
send a message to duck or catch the ball. If you an infection you want your CNS
to send the message to your brain saying something is wrong, that way your
brain can send a message back to your body to fight of the infect. You don’t
want your body to be slow at sending these messages because when you’re not
functioning at 100% and you become weak, tired, sick, and much more can happen.
Now that we have talked about the most important reason to
see a chiropractor, let’s talk about the other reasons why you may want to a chiropractor.
If you ask most anyone what a chiropractor does they will tell you they fix low
back pain. Some people will also say the fix migraines This interpretation is true, but like I explained before they do
much more than fix pain. How can the help your pain? Let me explain.
Say you are having low back pain and you friend told you to
go see Doctor Scott who is a chiropractor just down the road from you. You make
an appointment, you get x rays, and the doctor says your back pain is coming
from your body not being balanced. This can be very confusing unless have some
back ground on the way the body works like being doctor, massage therapist,
physical therapist, nurse, and of course a chiropractor. Doctor Scott will
explain to you what is wrong. Some of the time your spine is not bending where
it is suppose to so this causes discomfort. Sometimes it is your hips are uneven and it is causing other problems such as your low back pain. Doctor Scott
will than do what is called an adjustment and manipulate the vertebrae and hips
into the proper place, reliving the stress in your back that is causing you
From the picture above you can see two sets of hips, the
ideal and not ideal. If your hips are uneven, everything else is off balance
including your sacrum and vertebrae. This is cause more weight on one side of
your body, making that side work harder. Your body will try to even out the
work, which can cause discomfort. Also, the muscles that attached to these off
balance bones are going to be stretched and/or shortened. So when looking at
picture of the Not Ideal Hips above, on the left side of the body the muscles
are being shortened and on the right they are being stretched to correspond
with the bones. This is going to cause more pain. When a chiropractor fixes the
subluxation (the out of place bone) your body is not going to working as hard
and muscles are going to go back to where they belong, fixing your low back
Some people try to go with other routes, like over the
counter medicine. So say if you take an ibuprofen instead of going to chiropractor
the ibuprofen is going taking anti inflammatory. Anti inflammatory is a drug
that reduces swelling, tenderness, and stiffness. Ibuprofen is usually taken
every 4 to 6 hours to control the pain. When researching information on
ibuprofen I went to PubMed Health and at the very top it says Warning, people
taking drugs like ibuprofen (and aspirin) are more likely to stuffer heart
attacks and strokes. Along with a list of other side effects that are listed as
Doctors often prescribe pain medcines for people, like Vicodin. Which
is acetaminophen (Tylenol) and hydrocodone (Narcotics containing codeine and
thebian) to relieve moderate to sever pain. The dose is different for every
person and the directions are given out by a doctor. Just like ibuprofen,
Vicodin comes with a list of side effects, easy to overdose on, and is highly
In those few hours the medicine is working you may forget
about your back pain, but the problem is never fixed. It is just being covered up. The problem with medicine is it only gives your back pain relive for few hours
where chiropractic care can fix the issue and relive pain all together.
Another down side to medicine if you are taking the ibuprofen
or vicodin to help your back pain but the medicine is treating your whole
body. The medicine is not just going to your low back, it is going to your
brain, your heart, and other places and effecting the way those places work
too. Which is why there are a lot of side effects on any drugs.
The difference
between Doctors who study Medicine and Chiropractors who study Chiropractic:
Medicine: The study of disease and what causes a man to die.
Chiropractic: The study of health and what causes a man to live.
Medicine: The study of disease and what causes a man to die.
Chiropractic: The study of health and what causes a man to live.
I don’t know about you but I want to live my life. I don’t
want my life to be about death. When I see a doctor I would much prefer it to be a visit
about good things and not bad. I want a doctor who has an interest in my life,
not my death. That is why I see a chiropractor.
Happy Reading and Learning!
SIDE NOTE: Find a chiropractor in your area if you have any
questions on pain or how the CNS works and how they can help you.
Also note, most of the pictures my blog today are made by me
and I know I am not an artist but I wanted people to have a visual to look at.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Meeting an Angel
It was a warm fall day when Joani walked into my office for
a massage. To be honest, I wasn’t so thrilled. It was a Friday and I was ready
to go home. She said at the beginning of the massage she had a rough day and
she didn’t want to talk, which is normal in my line of work. The first few
minutes I was silent. Then she spoke up, she wanted to know a little about me.
I was confused, but I answered her questions about where I went to school and things of
that nature. She then told me about herself, talking about how she use to be a
teacher, how she was married, and had kids and grandchildren. After a while the
room fell quite again, I massaged silently.
Joani soon started talking again. Although I cannot remember
what brought the topic up, she confessed she was a psychic. This was something that did not shock me, I’ve
always believed in psychics and mediums. Ever since I was young, I would get a
feeling and knew something was going to happen. I always figured if I could
sense things that were going to happen, other people could to and possible more.
I never knew how this feeling happened, but the how was never important to me.
I no longer wished for my early Friday evening out, I was
amazed I ran into such a wonderful person. Before Joani left the office, I
asked her if I could take her number and use it to set up a reading. She said
of course.
I got into my car and called half a dozen people. I told
them I had met a psychic and I couldn’t wait to get a reading done. I told them
they had to get a reading done too. Monday morning at our weekly staff meeting
I told all the girls about Joani too. Before I knew it, we arranged a work
party and Joani came to the office and gave all of us mini readings. The mini
readings were awesome. We each drew numbers and got our reading one by one. The
moment one of the girls walked out of the session with Joani, we hounded to
hear what was said.
Although my mini session was wonderful and I could not of
asked for more. As a human, I wanted more. I kept saying “oh, after the
holidays” or “I need to email Joani” but I never did. Last week I was faced
with a tough choice. My heart and head was not agreeing and I didn’t know what to
do. I emailed Joani and asked if she could fit me in for a reading. I got in
right away.
Joani’s Procedure:
Joani sends out an information sheet before every reading, even if you have already had a reading before. It gives you the 411 on everything you need to know. The information states what she can and cannot offer you. She does this because people have assumptions on what psychics and mediums can do, due to the media and hot lines.
Joani sends out an information sheet before every reading, even if you have already had a reading before. It gives you the 411 on everything you need to know. The information states what she can and cannot offer you. She does this because people have assumptions on what psychics and mediums can do, due to the media and hot lines.
When you sit down for a reading, Joani asks you to write
your name on a notepad. She then asks you to pick a subject (Past, Present,
Future, A loved one who’s passed). Without any conversation, she starts to
write under your name. She writes fast and without any interruptions. She is
writing down what her spirit guide tells her. Her spirit guide, some like to
call him an angel, is a voice that whispers to her. He tells her everything the
person who is getting the reading done needs to know. Once her spirit guide is
done talking, Joani helps you ‘map’ out what the spirit guide has said. At the
end of the reading you get to take your map and the notes from the spirit guide
From the very get go, I had lots of questions about Joani
and her gift. Her path started when she wasn’t finding what she needed from
churches throughout her life, so began reading passionately about parapsychology.
When she stop spending three hours a day commuting back and forth between work
and making every thought about teaching, she had time for herself. She began experimenting
and started to see her gift grow. She believes her spirit guide has always been
with her. Although, Joani is an amazing woman, her past has not always been
wonderful. Just like anyone else, she has had struggles of her own. Now looking
back, she believes her spirit guide was always looking out for her, whispering
encouragement in those times of need.
With friends and family, Joani experimented with her gift. Once
she felt ready, she called a women’s retreat and asked if she could volunteer
and do readings. Her first cold reading (Someone she does not know) aligned with
perfectly. Joani was shocked. Within thirty minutes the word got around, a
lined formed of women that couldn’t wait to hear what Joani and her spirit
guide had to say.
Joani enjoys doing reading because she loves witnessing the
joy that people get from contacting a passed loved one. She is kind and compassionate
person who is always practicing the Golden Rule. Some believe what Joani does
is the devil’s work, she whole heartily disagrees. With positive energy, part
of the money Joani makes from the readings, goes to cancer research, benefits,
or fundraisers. Although she is unsure why she was chosen to be the voice for
the spirit guide she believes that God has sent her this messenger as a gift.
She was raised Catholic and would ask for forgiveness if there was any negative
energy. Instead she believes she is helping mankind one person at a time by
giving them comfort and helping them better define their life paths through
spiritual awareness. She wants people gain a renewed sense of their blessing by
readings. Joani counts her blessings every day.
My last reading was even better than the first. I believe
each reading is brand new adventure. This most recent reading helped me with my
choice and instead of a cloud of anxiety, Joani gave me hope. I know Joani
walked into my life that fall day for a reason, and because of her I am truly changed
for the better.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Make the Invisible, VISIBLE
I did not plan to write a blog until Sunday. And I did have plans to write something completely different. BUT this touched my heart and got my lazy ass out of bed and made me write this blog.
I would assume most of you who are reading this is in their early 20's. Most of you are my friends. Some of you don't have children, but have their niece's and nephews to think about. I know this isn't happening in our backyard.... but it doesn't matter.
I recently watched a you tube video. A few dozen shared it on facebook with in the last few days. I am BEGGING you to watch it. It is 30 minutes which seems like a lot, but it is very very very powerful.
Imagine your child (whether it is your child, niece, nephew, god child or the child you baby sit) is sleeping innocently in bed dreaming good, happy dreams. Not a care in the world. They are grabbed. Forced out of their dreams and into a reality that is more than a nightmare. Their mother and father are far away, if not dead. Their siblings are separated from them. They are alone. They are scared. They do not know what is going to happen.
My niece is four. My best friend's baby is three. The kids I see on a weekly basis for massage ranges from five to eleven. They all matter to me. They all have a place in my heart. Kids like these are being taken from their home and living in a nightmare
They have two paths to go down...
If they are females. Like my niece. They will become sex slaves.
If they are males. Like my best friend's child. They will become killers.
Either path is not something I plan for my child or any other child. I am willing to bet that no mother, father, aunt, uncle, god parent prays "I wish this child becomes a sex slave or a killer"
Do NOT let this path happen to any child. Watch the video! I am buying an action kit as soon as I am done blogging.
The video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4MnpzG5Sqc&sns=fb
To support: kony2012.com
Make the invisible, visible
KONY 2012
I would assume most of you who are reading this is in their early 20's. Most of you are my friends. Some of you don't have children, but have their niece's and nephews to think about. I know this isn't happening in our backyard.... but it doesn't matter.
I recently watched a you tube video. A few dozen shared it on facebook with in the last few days. I am BEGGING you to watch it. It is 30 minutes which seems like a lot, but it is very very very powerful.
Imagine your child (whether it is your child, niece, nephew, god child or the child you baby sit) is sleeping innocently in bed dreaming good, happy dreams. Not a care in the world. They are grabbed. Forced out of their dreams and into a reality that is more than a nightmare. Their mother and father are far away, if not dead. Their siblings are separated from them. They are alone. They are scared. They do not know what is going to happen.
My niece is four. My best friend's baby is three. The kids I see on a weekly basis for massage ranges from five to eleven. They all matter to me. They all have a place in my heart. Kids like these are being taken from their home and living in a nightmare
They have two paths to go down...
If they are females. Like my niece. They will become sex slaves.
If they are males. Like my best friend's child. They will become killers.
Either path is not something I plan for my child or any other child. I am willing to bet that no mother, father, aunt, uncle, god parent prays "I wish this child becomes a sex slave or a killer"
Do NOT let this path happen to any child. Watch the video! I am buying an action kit as soon as I am done blogging.
The video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4MnpzG5Sqc&sns=fb
To support: kony2012.com
Make the invisible, visible
KONY 2012
Thursday, March 1, 2012
I'm a Massage Therapist.... & no I do not give happy endings
I’m a massage therapist…. No I do not give happy endings. I say this because once I tell people I am a massage therapist, they usually ask "Do you give happy endings?" When people ask me what I do for a living I often want to say "I am a massage therapist and no I do not give happy endings."
massage therapist doesn’t mean prostitute. Unfortunately there are prostitutes who
tell people they are massage therapist which gives me, and people like me, a
bad name. A massage therapist is a person who works on the muscles in
the body to promote relaxation or use therapeutic techniques to make you feel
A massage therapist that does relaxation massage, also known
as swedish massage, are often found in spa’s and salons. Their main purpose is
to get you to relax. It also promotes healing. Relaxation massages gets the
blood flowing, and gets the toxins moving. That is why most massage therapist advice
water after a massage so the toxins can leave the body. There are many more benefits
from relaxation massage.
A massage therapist who does therapeutic massage is often
found in chiropractic office and in a small business. Their main purpose is to
fix a problem. People come in with pain acute (temporarily) or chronic pain (long
term), this massage therapist is going to use techniques that will help relieve
and get rid of the pain. They use techniques like Neuromuscular Therapy,
Myofascial Release, and Sport’s Therapy.
There are tons and tons of techniques out there. I named off
four types I personally do and enjoy on a daily basis. Another very popular
massage is hot/cold stone, a lot of people have heard of this massage because
they have seen it in the media. There is also energy work, like Cranial Sacral
and Reiki, which uses energy from the client and massage therapist to help heal
the client. There are also massages from around the world, like Thai Yoga and
Shiatsu, which is done on the floor and the client is fully dressed.
Now I’ve heard that there are 80 to over 100 types of
massages. I did not want to spend my evening counting so I will let you have
the pleasure counting if you’d like. What I do know is, there are so many
types of massages out there, there has to be one for you. Every type of massage
has at least one benefit, if not more. Plus it is a natural way to heal the body,
which is great!
If you are looking for a massage therapist, here are some
1) Ask yourself what type of massage do you want:
If you are have a shoulder pain, migraine, ect you are going to want a therapeutic massage.
If you want to treat yourself and get away from the world, go for a relaxation massage.
2) Call around to see what place offers what:
Do not let money be an influence. Just because prices are higher doesn’t mean that massage therapist is better. At the same time, low prices doesn't make the therapist bad either.
3) Try everyone out:
1) Ask yourself what type of massage do you want:
If you are have a shoulder pain, migraine, ect you are going to want a therapeutic massage.
If you want to treat yourself and get away from the world, go for a relaxation massage.
2) Call around to see what place offers what:
Do not let money be an influence. Just because prices are higher doesn’t mean that massage therapist is better. At the same time, low prices doesn't make the therapist bad either.
3) Try everyone out:
Make sure you find the therapist that meets your needs. Make sure they have the pressure you want. Also, make sure the therapist is doing what you ask of them. If you have questions, ask them. Don't be afraid to try someone new either.
Here are a few lies about massage therapy
Massage therapist give happy endings
A good massage
therapist will not waste their education on anything that is unprofessional. We
work hard to become massage therapist and to become certified in the techniques we
Deep tissue massages will hurt
Deep tissue massage
does not have to hurt. There are times there is going to be some discomfort,
but you can always ask your therapist to ease up or to stop.
I have to get naked
Most clients wear
their underwear on the table. Some wear nothing. It is a preference and if you
are concerned you can ask your therapist what they prefer. Also, if you are not
getting a full body massage, you may only have to undress half way. (If you are
getting your shoulders and neck worked on, you can leave your pants on.) Either
way, massage therapist use professional draping, so they only uncover the area
they are working on and once they are done, they cover the area back up with a
sheet. If you have questions, you can always ask your therapist.
I don’t want to see a male therapist
A male therapist is just as good
as a female therapist. Some men are worried about another male touching them
due to stereotypes. Remember guys the male therapist may have a firmer pressure
which you might need. At the end of the day a female pressure might not be able
to do what you need if you are bigger or very muscular. Females also get
nervous about a male therapist and might feel insecure. Remember any therapist
is going to be professional and chose this profession so they can help people.
Now that you have read this, go find a massage therapist! A regular massage can help with headaches, backaches, acute or chronic pain, stress, and much more. I honestly believe everyone needs a good therapist in their life.
Happy Massage and Blogging <3
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